Monday, June 9, 2008

The Simpsons Movie 2007

Plot: While performing on Lake Springfield, Green Day fail to engage the audience in a discussion about the environment. They are killed when pollution in the lake erodes their barge and causes it to sink. At the funeral, Grampa has a religious vision, in which he predicts impending doom upon the town, but only Marge takes it seriously. Lisa and an Irish boy named Colin hold a seminar where they convince the town to clean up the lake. Meanwhile, Homer adopts a pig, which causes Bart to seek a new parental figure in neighbor, Ned Flanders. Homer keeps the pig's feces in an overflowing silo, which horrifies Marge, who tells Homer to dispose of it safely. However, Homer is distracted and instead dumps the silo into the lake, polluting it. When the EPA discover this, Russ Cargill, head of the EPA, encloses Springfield in a giant glass dome.
When the police discover that Homer was the one who polluted the lake, an angry mob approaches the Simpson's house. The family escapes through a sinkhole in Maggie's sandbox and flee to Alaska. Meanwhile, Cargill put together a plan to demolish Springfield. When the Simpsons discover this, Marge and the kids decide to save the town, but Homer refuses to help the people that tried to kill them. The family leave to rescue Springfield without Homer, only to be captured and placed back in the dome.
After a visit with a mysterious Inuit Shaman, Homer has an epiphany that he must save Springfield. He returns to the city to find a helicopter lowering a bomb through a hole in the dome. Homer climbs the dome and descends the rope, knocking the bomb off. Homer then boards a motorcycle and grabs the bomb. He and Bart cycle up the side of the dome and Bart throws the bomb through the hole, seconds before it designates. The bomb's explosion shatters the dome and Homer rides off with Marge on the motorcycle. The townspeople begin restoring Springfield to normal.


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