Monday, June 9, 2008

Slither: Extended Edition

This is a re-edited movie !

What has been changed ?

Cuts removed/added/extended:All twelve deleted/extended scenes were reintegrated into the movie:* Bill and his partner investigate an intrusion in Mrs. MacCammon’s house* Slightly extended classroom scene, leading into a new scene ofGrant at his workplace* Grant and Starla have dinner together, during which he shows hisoverprotectiveness* After being possessed by the alien, Grant goes home and files allthe meat in the refrigerator, with the song “The New Kid” playingunder the scene* Extended butcher shop scene, in which Grant orders all the meat in the shop* Extended scene of Grant taking the dog away, leading into a newscene of three kids talking about the missing pets and makingreferences to characters from other movies* A second dinner scene with Grant and Starla, in which Grant onlyeats his meat and not his vegetables* Two goofballs pretend to have sex with a plastic deer outside theDeer Cheer lodge* Extended conversation between Bill and Starla on the lodge balcony* Grant tells Brenda how exciting it is for him to be human, beforehe alien-rapes her* Starla zones out in the classroom, before calling Dr. Carl* Kylie names the alien organism that has inhabited Grant’s body“The Long One” because it goes back almost forever.
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